Well, it's getting more noticeable by the day that spring really is on it's way, but Nigel, bless him, is still having to walk home in the dark from the school run, often in quite inclement weather, not that he would ever complain .........
...... so yesterday Darrell decided, that as a special treat, he would make Nigel his very, very most favourite comfort type tea ........
...... to wit, beef stew, with the most mahoosive dumplings I think he's ever made, sorry Mr D if such delicacies are a mystery in glorious Mexico, it's probably too hot for them anyway!
Let's just say it was a very emotional homecoming .......
......... with the little fella saying that he'd guessed what was ahead of him as soon as the glorious and rich aroma assailed his nostrils, the moment he put his key in the door.
It was a wonderful meal and thought that was not found wanting in any way, shape or form and totally off our world famous Richter Scale of Noms ........
....... rendering us all totally sofa bound for the rest of the evening! What are we like?