Thursday 29 February 2024

Happy Leap Year or Bachelors Day

What to do on this extra day of the year, a day that only comes round every four years?

Well, to be honest we're avoiding the ladies as best we can, just as a precautionary measure (having still very vivid, past memories of Tallulah, back in our Girl's School days), as we are acutely aware, that by tradition, ladies can propose (marriage) on said Leap
or Batchelors Day! 

However, as confirmed and pretty staunch bachelors, the presence of one lady, let alone three, would completely throw The Towers off its axis
and it has to be said, that after all these years, though we appreciate the company of a lovely lady now and again, we're really quite happy as we are!  

So just for today, we're choosing to stay at home, 
where it's safe ........

...... with the protection and sustenance of a Hot and Sour Batchelors Cup A Soup  or three! 

What are we like? 

Wednesday 28 February 2024

Is Rylan Clark Moonlighting?

Oh my goodness me, Nigel found himself doing a mahoosive a double take as he was walked past the Homecare Service shop along the school run yesterday  .......

..... because there among the photographic window displays was a picture of someone who looked uncannily like our very own, much beloved Rylan Clark, who Nigel pondered, was possibly doing a bit of moonlighting within the care industry as a grounding venture away from his normal glitz and glamour, showbiz lifestyle.

However, the idea of any such possible career move by our most favouritist, fellow Eurovision fanatic, rather took the little fella aback, so he decided that he really ought to take a closer look at said picture.

Although, bearing a startling resemblance to the aforementioned, much loved Rylan, on closer inspection, in Nigel's opinion the hair and jawline didn't look quite right .......

 ....... and although the obviously very caring gentleman's teeth weren't actually visible, Nigel didn't think it looked as if he was supporting a pair of gnashers a la Rylan in his mouth, which, when later recalling his thoughts to Darrell and I, could have been a logistics nightmare when working, adorned, in a pristine white uniform! What on earth is he like? Nigel ....... not the Rylanesque doubleganger!

Tuesday 27 February 2024

Darrell's Dumplings .........

Well, it's getting more noticeable by the day that spring really is on it's way, but Nigel, bless him, is still having to walk home in the dark from the school run, often in quite inclement weather, not that he would ever complain .........

 ...... so yesterday Darrell decided, that as a special treat, he would make Nigel his very, very most favourite comfort type tea ........

...... to wit, beef stew, with the most mahoosive dumplings I think he's ever made, sorry Mr D if such delicacies are a mystery in glorious Mexico, it's probably too hot for them anyway! 

Let's just say it was a very emotional homecoming ....... 

......... with the little fella saying that he'd guessed what was ahead of him as soon as the glorious and rich aroma assailed his nostrils, the moment he put his key in the door.

It was a wonderful meal and thought that was not found wanting in any way, shape or form and totally off our world famous Richter Scale of Noms ........

....... rendering us all totally sofa bound for the rest of the evening!  What are we like? 

Monday 26 February 2024

Nigel's Non Event .......

There was a small frisson of excitement at the start of the school run yesterday, when Nigel spotted a rather large lorry trailing a cabin on the back (that had a sign marked "ladies" on the side) coming down the hill and then reversing onto the bit of scrub, next to the gates to the wasteland.

It was a really strange place to stop, but the driver got out and started fiddling with said cabin. Nigel's little mind was then all off a whirl, perhaps building was finally about to begin on the site (and we'd get a chip shop (????!!!!) as well as new houses and flats) or perhaps "our" park was going to have an added convenience? 

But unfortunately Nigel didn't have time to dawdle and watch what happened next, as the safe collection of his beloved niece and nephew was calling, he'd just have to steel himself for the return journey to see where the cabin was finally left to rest ...........

Sadly, however, upon the little fella's return, there was no sign of the cabin, the aforementioned driver had most likely just been checking the safety of his load and all Nigel's pent up excitement was nothing but a non event. Let's just say he was a trifle disappointed when he arrived back at The Towers, but then nothing one of Darrell's full bodied, clotted cream rice puddings couldn't put right!  What is he like

Friday 23 February 2024

We Review Lidl Deluxe Lobster Cocktail Crisps

Darrell was having a bit of a sort through our post festive food cupboards, when he happened upon a bag of Lidl deluxe lobster cocktail crisps right at the back, that he'd got for Christmas, but which had inadvertently got missed in amongst all our other considered treats 

Well, it would have looked wasteful to allow them go stale, so why not take the opportunity to do a cheeky review to help brighten up an otherwise very dull winters afternoon! 

We have to admit that we're pretty much strangers to the lobster, although Darrell thinks he may have had it once at breakfast at Hugh's, his best friend and mentor of all things of a gastropod type nature, but was too embarrassed to ask what it was, for fear of being found wanting .......

....... so, none of us knew what to expect.

The ingredients were interesting, with crustaceans included in the flavoured seasoning.......

...... but the proof of any unusual crisp is in the tasting ........

 ....... and these did not disappoint, they certainly packed a powerful punch flavour wise  ..........

...... not unlike the prawn cocktail variety (our second most crisp of choice, after Marmite), but a lot less sweet and lot more savoury, with quite a strong tomato undertone.  They certainly can't be called wishy washy flavour wise, but as to how lobstery they were, we just can't gauge, not knowing what lobster actually tastes like, although Nigel suggested that they are just a big posh prawn?

However, despite our arthropodian quandary, we loved them. They would have indeed been a very tasty addition to our festive televisual snacks, but hey ho c'est la vie ..........

...... and for that reason we would like to award said crisps a highly seasoned, out of season 9.5 bisques out of 10 on our world famous Richter Scale of Noms.  Sadly, Lidl don't have any more in stock for us to share in an encore, but our eyes will be peeled from now on!  

Thursday 22 February 2024

Welcome To The Explorer Dome

Nigel got to school yesterday, fully expecting to read, only to find a humongous "Explorer" dome had been erected in the school hall .........

........ which, for him, was almost too exciting for words ........

...... especially when Mr Hunt, his teacher for the day ..........

....... asked if, instead of said planned reading for the morning  .........

........ Nigel would, instead, like to join the little ones in exploring the very start of the universe.

Well, the little fella didn't need asking twice, much as he loved listening to his beloved readers, he also didn't really want to be a stranger to the pleasures of the dome, even if it did mean having to get down on his hands and knees and crawl in order to enter it's mysterious innermost sanctum.

Let's just say, despite his efforts to get in, it did not disappoint.

With Nigel even putting his hand up to answer a few of the questions, but perhaps due to his diminutive size, it might not have been that visible, especially in the dark, bless his little cotton socks!

And the best bit, before it was time to resume his reading duties? 

Making real life clouds ......... it was, he said, almost too romantic for words .........

 ...... which now has him wondering where he can get his little mitts on some dry ice himself, to inject a little awe and wonder to our next I and B sleepover, not to mention, worry you know who upstairs  ..........  what on earth is he like? (Nigel, not you know who!) 

Wednesday 21 February 2024

Is Our Boris Getting A Little On The Porky Side?

Oh my goodness ……..

…… not wishing to caste nastursiums aspersions, but, to me, from the kitchen window, it seems that ………

…….. but perhaps, Boris, our resident and much loved squirrel is getting a trifle on the rotund side. 

Kata, our also much loved neighbour may have been a little too generous with her scraps of late.

However, Nigel, playing devil’s advocate and sticking up for Boris (and Kata), has suggested that in this cold weather Boris is probably just fluffing up his feathers fur and that his increasing girth is merely a seasonal optical illusion ……
...... but then Darrell decided we best do some research ........

....seems like old Boris certainly needs his food ……. 

........ and instead of focusing on his waistline, we should be looking at helping Kata keep him (and any other of his friends) well fed too!

Tuesday 20 February 2024

Nigel Finds .................

There is nothing more that Nigel and his beloved niece and nephew like to stumble upon on the way home from school, than a box, outside a house, that says "free stuff, please help yourself" ........

Who doesn't like a good, old roottle through something that someone else thought was trash, but turns out to be real treasure to you.

Unfortunately, in this instance, despite leaving absolutely nothing unturned and carefully considered, they left their forage empty handed. 

There was a slight ooooo ahhhh moment when Nigel pondered a chief bridesmaid mug, a long felt want of his, but he decided, in the end, that he'd much rather receive such a mug honourably, rather than by default, especially as there would be no romance or memories attached to it .......

....... other than the quick snaffle through a box of unwanted bits and pieces, all be it, an quite lovely experience shared with Little Miss Iris and Young Master Bertie.  What is he like? 

Monday 19 February 2024

Rainy Days and Mondays

This morning Darrell woke up in a rainy days and Mondays sort of mood.

The sky has been grey for days, it's flipping raining again and the river is so churned up it looks like something out of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, it's not good.

But then, Darrell pulled himself together, donned his beloved Grecian towel so full of wonderful memories and decided to turn his unseemly, melancholic gloom into something of a very definite and positive type nature .........

 ....... logging into our computer, his mind in full gear, determined to find us our next Greek Oddity.

Trust me, the words tenacious and dogged can't describe the scene more accurately, with our rigid list of holiday must haves for reference by his side, to wit, must fly from Birmingham, must be within our stringent budget, a hotel that must be no more than 100 yards from a gently sloping sandy beach, within a short walk to the shops and restaurants, a taxi ride away from a point of interest or two and finally a Greek church!

I can't quite get my head round it yet, but by 12.30 Darrell had only gone and done it, Monday morning fog or not, we're all booked for a glorious week on the romantic island of Kos in September. It seems ages away at the moment, but I still had to tell Nigel it was too early to even start to think about packing or fretting over where his goggles are!

Darrell, bless him, dun gud, he dun very gud indeed, time tonight for a celebratory shot of Ouzo (bought back from last year's jaunt) and perhaps even cracking open an extra large Toblerone to evoke that airport duty free feeling of gay holiday abandon ..........  

Thank you Darrell, to quote yet another song "It might be winter outside, but in my heart it's spring" ........ if not quite summer, happy, happy days!