Monday 14 October 2024

A Little Twinkle Can Go An Awful Long Way

It goes without saying that none of us are exactly embracing the fact that the nights starting to draw in, with Darrell already having to light our ambient candles by at least seven o'clock in the evening.

However, in order to inject just a little lightness to our mood, he's been on the interweb and ordered a whole pile of solar lights to jolly up the communal garden ........

........ with he says, something quite spectacular, he hopes for December, our most favourite month of the year!

No doubt this will not best please some people, to which we say .......we will hold firm our conviction should questions be asked in Parliament, with petitions raised on our behalf if troops are called to muster, ringing out our autumnal chant "fairy lights bring happy nights!"

If we need to Go Fund Me, then we'll jolly well Go Fund Me, in order to fill the whole garden with even more lights to spread the joy and supposing, after all that, we're incarcerated for our cause, we're sure Jan, our beloved No. 1 fan will organise a prison visitors rota and smuggle in nail files in fruit cakes for Darrell ........ what are we like?


Mr.D said...

A great idea for the communal garden. You are certainly community spirited, too. Unlike old misery guts - 'Im-Up-Atop. Doubtless, he will be poring over the rules and regs of The Towers, to see if he can get them taken down.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the solar lights surely no one will object if they make the outdoor area lovely to look at.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes you just gotta make the world a brighter place - and if you get opposition, I'm ready and willing to take pleas on your behalf to No. 10 JantheFan x