Monday 7 October 2024

Jan The Fan's Present To Alice

After such a sombre mood coming back from Oxford bidding adieu and farewell to our beloved Jan the Fan, we decided that the best course of action to lift our solemn spirits was to ask Alice round as soon as our feet hit the doormat (metaphysically speaking, as we're not allowed a doormat outside our front door unless it meets the stringentest of health and safety rules and as such we've done without), as we had Jan's present to give to her.

Let's just say, it was Alice's turn to be overwhelmed!  We explained the significance of the beautiful black and white wrappings (Howay the Lads and all that) which Alice proclaimed were almost too lovely to tear apart, but tear she must, as it would have been rude not to reveal the treasures within.  What is she like?

Removing the paper and label revealed a very posh looking black box ...... 

...... and on taking the lid off said box, we were met with a very romantic layer of delicate, foil embossed, butterfly tissue paper .........

 ...... and underneath this were the most beautiful pair of hair clips any of us had ever seen, in black and white, obviously another homage to Jan The Fan's much loved Magpies.

Then, after much ooooooing and ahhhing in joint admiration, Darrell helped Alice carefully put them in her always neatly coiffured hair.

It goes without saying that they looked most resplendent tucked just behind her ears. She looked so very, very beautiful, as if she could look anything else? 

It was emotional, but we knew that after such an emotionally charged few days we needed to pull ourselves together and help Alice find something in her wardrobe to help "bring out" and accentuate her new hair clips to their fullest.  What happy, happy, happy days!


Mr.D said...

What a thoughtful gift from the wonderful JtF!

Alice looks mighty fine with it in her hair.

Anonymous said...

Pleased the clips were liked - they accentuate Alice's dark and becoming eyes. JantheFan x

Mr.D said...

Oh, no. My message has been lost in the aether, again. Let's hope it turns up soon.

Mr.D said...

It finally arrived. :)