Thursday 3 October 2024

More Rife Emotion In Oxford.

As we left Jan The Fan last night, she handed us a mysterious black bag, telling us to open it when we got back to our hotel as it contained a little something that might keep us "amused" during the evening!  Our curiosity was, obviously, tres piqued!

The first thing we found inside the bag was a small, beautifully wrapped package addressed to Alice .......

 ...... it was emotional .........

...... as the ever fragrant Alice has become very much part of our lives since her rescue.  This package was put safely and securely in our case for our return home ....... but there was more ......

There was another parcel for us, with us very much loving the black and white stripes which matched Alice's gift exactly, with us now wondering whether there was a spooky gift theme going on.

With the outer paper and tags removed, we were however still none the wiser, but perhaps Mr D with his unique spidey senses could have picked it up straight away.

It was, in fact, a poignant confectionary homage to our No. 1 Fan, Jan the Fans football team  Newcastle United, to wit The Magpies.......

...... because the box contained a humungous abundance of corresponding black and white sweeties, Black Jacks, bon bons, mint imperials, and liquorice and cream jellies (of which these were all our personal favourites). 

It was, once more, emotional (but not as emotional as tomorrow perhaps), however, it would have looked rude not to indulge, lest the said sweets were rendered stale, so let's just say, there weren't many left by the time we all turned in, but making sure we left enough to share with Alice when we see her next, naturally! 


Anonymous said...

Pleased you enjoyed a little treat from my homeland! JantheFan x

Mr.D said...

A very kind gift from JtF.

Although it should be spelled "Haway the lads" and

"Sid James' Park."