Monday, 20 January 2025

Hold Tight ..... And Bear/Bare With Us .........

We've had a MAJOR MAJOR catastrophe ....... our laptop had a complete and absolute meltdown and in the end we've had to do a complete reset! We've also had to invest a new laptop, as we now realise this one is very much living on borrowed time, but we have another problemo .......... in the all the resetting, we have lost our old version of Picture Manager, which we used to edit all our pictures and more importantly, compress said pictures to enable speedy downloading, plus save  storage space ......... and, with our new computer, it's a program that's no longer available, so at the moment we're a bit up the Swannie without a paddle ......... 

Poor old mum is trying to find a simple and free alternative program that won't add even more time to an already quite lengthy post writing process. 

We've about twenty posts in the schedule bag as we've been on quite a roll since the start of the year, so fingers crossed we can work something out in to help keep us going for a while longer.


Mr.D said...

Oh, no! What a disaster! Can TtS help? Good luck, Mum!

At, least you have plenty of posts in your "bag."

Anonymous said...

Oh no-sometimes technology is frustrating! Good luck guys.


Anonymous said...

Another Oh nooooooooo - don't panic, don't panic as Lance Corporal Jones would say - you'll get it sorted and we'll all still be waiting here. These tech problems are sooooooo stressful and extremely annoying, very frustrating, I feel & understand your pain. JantheFan x