Wednesday 24 July 2024

A Nefarious Facebook Friend .......

Darrell had a very wonderful and, to be honest, unbelievable Facebook friend request the other day from none other than the King, only Charles III reaching out to one of his ordinary, but most loyal of subjects?????  Hmmmmmmmm

Well, though quite taken aback, it would have been rude not to accept an invitation of this magnitude and so ensued a very erm ..... very interesting conversation, although, due to Darrell's excitement and eagerness to establish a favourable repour, typed a little faster than His Majesty, who at times appeared to be one (or two) steps behind with his comments etc. .......... however it went like this ......

Then came the crunch (above)  ........ in the and I quote - "Do you've the royal membership card which comes with a lot of benefits?" .......

..... which Darrell quickly realised he was actually talking to a scammer, however decided to play along for a little while longer ......

...... with no intention of getting sucked in, he just wanted to have a bit of fun, baiting the baiter.

At this stage Darrell, out of curiosity, took a risk and did actually email "the Kings Office" to be met, as expected, by a very amateur and shonky reply and yes, we have excellent antivirus on our laptop.

And so it continued for a little while longer with Darrell "acting normal", although he'd twigged and the game was up.

So, no meeting Eugenie and Bea or dipping his big toe in the Palace pool .......

.......but it was fun while it lasted!  What is he like?


Mr.D said...

The "king" spelled it "honor," like the Americans. As Mrs. D would say, "Sí. Ahá.",

Some sort of American Artificial Intelligence?

You are His Maj, the king's "loyal serpent"! Made me chuckle.

"Savoury protector." Snigger, snigger, chortle, chortle.

Amusing, but no need for Darrell to pack his budgie smugglers.

P.S. There is an opera singer called Ryan Speedo Green, named after his body-building father's favourite pair of trunks. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness Darrell realised it was a scam. I do think he was brave pretending to go along with the chat though.


Anonymous said...

Oh my. Oh my....that was so very funny .... but could you imagine a dip in the Royal Pool - now that would be some fun indeedy! I'm sure they have never had a response like that before! JantheFan x