Tuesday 16 July 2024

Stay Clear Of The Water!

Nigel says that his time at Disney has certainly been an adventure he (and his feet) will NEVER forget ......

..... where he discovered something new and exciting every day .......

...... like the free bus to and from the park to his hotel when his poor little feet (see above) just couldn't take another step! 

Or finding the car of his dreams.

And then, there was the seeming tranquil and unassuming waters of the lake in front of his hotel .......

..... that actually harboured the most gigantic fish Nigel had ever seen in real life, that seemed to circle the odd duck that ventured onto the water (and Nigel didn't see that many) in a very menacing and ominous fashion. He reckoned, just looking at them, that they could have easily taken the leg off any said, unsuspecting duck that dared to stay still long enough!

So after that, he himself was mindful not to get too close to the rail, that went all round the lake, that he now knew, had obviously been put there by the Disney people for very salient health and safety reasons! What on earth is he like?


Mr.D said...

Those certainly are big fish. (Little fish, cardboard box.)

"Or finding the car of his dreams."

Is that a little red (and white) Corvette? I feel a song coming on.


Anonymous said...

Oh young Nige - if you had happen to slip through those bars - I shudder at the thought of what could have happened. Phew! JantheFan x