Monday 15 July 2024

With Thoughts of Alice

Nigel says he hadn't quite realised how much he'd missed Alice while he's been away .......

...... until he found himself in one of the posh Disney arcades .........

...... drawn inextricably to the looking at "pretty things" .........

......and thinking how she was almost born to wear a tiara. How beautiful and elegant she would look gracing a tiara, even on Evesham High Street.

But with soooooo many to choose from, Nigel was worried that he might go and buy completely the wrong thing, as he had no real idea as to what coloured gems Alice actually preferred.

Then thought perhaps he should be a a little less ambitious in the buying of such a personal piece of jewellery and wait until they were together to choose something of a sparkly type disposition for her ....

...... thus avoiding any embarrassing and unfortunate faux pas ......

....... especially when knowing that Alice would probably be just as happy with a charity shop bracelet or necklace to express her tastes equally as well.

So in the meantime the little fella is considering something a little more "usual" but just as fitting instead, bless his little cotton socks!


Mr.D said...

I'm sure Alice would look good in absolutely anything, but she would look spectacular in a tiara or even a crown.

Anonymous said...

How thoughtful you are young Nige. Loving the teeshirt and she does deserve a tiara - everyone deserves one of those. Sometimes just for getting dressed and turning up! JantheFan x