Monday 1 July 2024

Nigel is very taken and not a little emotional over The Compass Club "turn down service" he gets when he returns to his room of an evening .......

He says it's like a wonderful cross between the Tooth Fairy and Father Christmas for holidays!

It seems, that every night, before he gets in from the park and his evening meal, someone steals into his room and mysteriously leaves is a small pile of chocolate coins and a story card on his bedside table ........ 

He says he's eaten quite a few of said coins, but will bring a few back for Darrell and I to try ............

He has also hinted that this would be a very much appreciated gesture to find on his pillow when he gets back home after a particularly arduous school run ......... what is he like? However, Darrell thought it might be something we could certainly adopt for I & B sleepovers, making sure, of course, that the little fella was included in the shenanigans too!  

Goodness only knows what other Disney innovations an impressionable Nigel will come up with upon his return, Heaven help us all!

1 comment:

Mr.D said...

Chocolate coins! Wonderful! They reminded me of our Christmas stockings, when we were kids. They always had a mesh bag of coins. And a satsuma, although ideas like 5 a day, hadn't been thought of, ahem, quite yet.