Wednesday 3 July 2024

Comestible Rewards Of A Disney Afternoon

Following a crammed and exhaustive morning in the park .......... 

..... while taking full advantage of every single second of the Disney Magic Hours .....

....... and embracing all the wonders that are Disney .......

..... Nigel tells us that the family then heads back to their hotel to "chillax", with a cheeky swim being order of the day   .......

.....followed by a spot of afternoon tea in their exclusive Compass Club Lounge .......  

........ it's a hard knock life for some! 

It's also where Nigel can never be sure which Disney character or image will appear resplendent upon the froth on his latte or cappuccino.

At the moment, he says, he's holding out, fingers crossed, for Donald Duck before they finally have to leave, what is he like?

As for the comestibles, well, it would be rude not too sample a little bit of everything, as it would  look remiss to let anything to go stale. 

That, according to the little fella, would be quite irresponsible, so firsts, seconds and thirds are usually order of the day, but making sure, of course, to leave just a little space for his evening meal later on ......... 

As for his very favourite treat?  It has to be, he's told us, the pink marshmallow cake pops, which he says are an absolute triumph, his current record being six at one sitting, but if there's only one left, he would of course leave it for someone else ...... until, that is, they bring out another tray, heaven help us!

1 comment:

Mr.D said...

Buffets can be fatal - I always overindulge, too. At least Nigel never puts on any weight. Unlike the rest of us?