Monday 8 July 2024

Another Day in The Park Followed By Another Posh Dinner ........

Last night, Nigel tells us, toute la famille dined a la carte Italian at The Manhattan restaurant in The New York Hotel, it was, he sighed, very posh, very posh indeed.

With the little fella sat sitting directly underneath a most mahoooooosive and beautiful chandelier, inspired, he believes by Asgar, the realm from whence the Marvel hero Thor came from (no, not us either, Mr D?) 

If even one, single, pointy piece of crystal had come loose, Nigel said he would have almost certainly met his untimely demise not unlike a skewered sausage.

The salt and pepper pots were equally as romantic too, reminding Nigel of our trip to New York a few years ago, with him almost wishing he'd bought back a set, as a much longer lasting souvenir than his waving cat from China Town, that never gave so much as a wave once he'd got it back home!

As for the food, well, the little fella had to admit he didn't have a clue what he was ordering, as he's very much a stranger to the Italian language), so when it arrived it was all a bit of a mystery ......... and perhaps, just perhaps .......

 ..... without being rude, not exactly to his taste ...... especially the Mozella, which he said he had to try to swallow in whole pieces, rather like a bush tucker trail, as the texture was just not for him.

However, with little ones watching his every move, Uncle Nigel had to be seen as diving in and fully embracing the experience, even the pansy on his pudding! 


Mr.D said...

Very posh nosh, indeed.

That certainly is one spectacular chandelier, too.

Last year, Mrs. D and I stayed in Manhattan, but we never saw any salt and pepper pots as wonderful as those.

Anonymous said...

Hello. I tried posting a comment on your July 5th post but didn’t see it under comments so I apologize if this is a duplicate. I’m writing on behalf of my mom Dianne. She tells me of your friendship and has missed being in touch with you. She has had many health issues that have required me to become her caregiver. She would love to reconnect. Melanie (for Dianne)

Anonymous said...

All looks & sound lovely. I think Nigel is very brave, conducting his own bush tucker taste tests.


Its All Fiddle Fart said...

Hi Melanie

Thank you for your message, I have often thought about your mum, I know how heartbroken she was when she lost Doug. I'm sorry our correspondence slowly dwindled over time, but I've missed her comments, which she did almost every day. I am just about to write to your mum, just hoping she still has the same email?
My email is

Anonymous said...

A Posh Nosh for sure - and I'm loving the salt n pepper pots! JantheFan x
p.s. Just read the post from Melanie regarding her Mom - hope it's okay to reply here. I know she prob won't read it, but sending Diane my vest best wishes.