Monday 22 July 2024

End Of Term Emotion

Oh my goodness, the emotion was truly rife yesterday afternoon when Nigel got home from his very last reading session of the school year........ 

..... as it thronged, neigh pulsated, through The Towers, as he didn't return empty handed.

Nigel was understandably overcome by such an out pouring of love and appreciation from the little ones who he's listened to read every Wednesday and Thursday over the past school year .........

....... his free school dinners were thanks enough, but today there were cakes! There had actually been 6 beautifully decorated cup cakes, but he said he just couldn't help tucking in as soon as they had been presented to him, well it would have looked rude not to, but he did manage to save the other four for us to share with Alice when he got home, bless him.

They were almost too beautiful to eat, mini works of art, but they were very delicious nevertheless!

There were chocolates (to be shared as well, he said, most probably during Antiques Roadshow on Sunday) and a plant for his bedroom ....... and then two very large cards ..........

........ that had us all in pieces, just wait until Alice sees them!

There was soooooooo much love for the little fella ..........

...... we were so very, very proud. 

He's got six weeks rest now in front of him, but would you believe he's already sorted out his timetable for the next academic year, moving up with the same two classes to Year 4, plus he's gained a brand new class in Year 3.  What is he like? 


Mr.D said...

Well dun, Nigel. The boy dunnn verrry verrry guddd! His cards and gifts are certainly very well deserved, indeed!

Anonymous said...

Great job Nigel plus well done for sorting out your timetable for September already.


Anonymous said...

Oh that is just so very lovely. Although you enjoy what you do young Nige - it's always a little boost to get a some appreciation, especially for one young monkey who is very dedicated to the cause, caring and thoughtful indeed. JantheFan x