Friday 26 July 2024

Festival Of Words .........

To celebrate and perhaps partake a little in this years Evesham Festival Of Words .......

..... Darrell has decided that we should to have a bash at Book Blurb Competition, where you have to try and guess the name of the book by just reading the blurb provided. Adding that "blurb" is such a wonderful word, that contorts the mouth in a very satisfying type manner, but which is not used half as much in our normal, every day conversations as it ought to be, in fact it is almost a stranger to our lips ......... but that is all about to change ........

..... as the competition starts in all but a few days time, when August will be upon us. He's not that sure as to how well we'll do, but he thought that with such an illustrious and educated band of followers and bookaphiles, like our beloved No. 1 Fan, Jan the Fan and the most learned fount of all knowledge Mr D, if we post the blurb on here, they may be able to lend a hand, if only for a bit of fun, because, at this stage, Darrell's not quite sure whether asking for help would constitute a breach of the rules, to wit, cheating?????   

So, when the blurb and rules are out, you'll be first to know  ........ how very, very exciting!


Mr.D said...

Posting it doesn't seem to be breaking the rules. Go for it.

Anonymous said...

How exciting and hopefully, you’ll be able to “phone a friend “ or two!


Anonymous said...

Oh this all looks very exciting - I will look into this at haste! JantheFan x

Anonymous said...

psp Oh my, I've printed out the competition, I've looked at the event information - this is my sort of event! How exciting having all that on your doorstep. Enjoy! JtF x

Anonymous said...

p.p.s - just looked at it again - oh the events go on over months - that's quite interesting! Something nice to look forward to over the year - not like book festivals which tend to be over in a couple of weeks or so. JtF x