Tuesday 2 July 2024

It's A Small World

Nigel says he's been clocking up the rides in Disneyland .........

....... but as he's living for the moment and not through a screen, he's afraid his pictures are few and far between.

However, he says it doesn't help that you have to leap in and out of rides like a young, spritely gazelle when your spaceship/carriage/Dumbo/horse arrives, thus bringing the risk of getting your camera strap unseemingly tangled in all manner of handlebars etc. in your haste and excitement to get on ..........

...... coupled with the fact that a lot of the rides are also in the dark and where the little fella isn't entirely comfortable when using his flash facility!

To be honest, as long as Nigel is "living his dream", Darrell and I are more than happy, as we know the memories will always be in his head and when he gets back home he'll describe everything in 
his own inimitable style, in such vivid detail,  we won't need hundreds and hundreds of pictures or videos that always seem to include the back of some strangers head or voice anyway! 


That being said, one of his most favourite rides .........

....... is travelling .........

......... by way of a boat ..........

........ through "It's A Small World".

He say's it just too magical for words and a veritable feast for the eyes and child life heart and soul ......

....... he's done it at least five times now and counting ............


........ however, it does come with a slight risk, the song, he says, can stay in your brain for hours after you come out, and then, when you think it's finally gone, it will creep back in again at the least unexpected times and linger!  What is he like? 


Mr.D said...

We get the, erm, picture Nigel. It certainly does look like a magical place - for children of all ages.

Now, you've gone and done it! That song is stuck in my brain. Maybe, you should have put the warning before the link, and not after, which is when I read the final few lines. Oops.

Seaside Karen said...

We have just come back from a once in a lifetime trip to Florida with our grown up children and two grandsons. The It’s a Small World ride was a very marmite type attraction! I’m with Nigel, it was magical and a chance to rest my weary feet for a few minutes, but the others only went on to humour me and yes, that tune never leaves your brain does it!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, Oh my, I have just watched the YouTube link - it is indeed a Small Small World after All - and it will be in my brain for quite sometime I think - wonder if you can get the piano music for it ???!!! I think I need to delve deeper into that. JantheFan x

Anonymous said...

p.s. Oh My - I have just discovered the piano sheet music for It's a Small Small World - It might just have to land on my door mat I think. :)