Friday 19 July 2024

Nigel Shares Out His Disney Complimentaries.

We now have "our" Nigel back in the loving bosom of his family!  To be honest, he slept for about 12 hours straight when he got home and has said that he might have another sleep later on. Disney, he proclaimed, is not for the faint hearted or delicate of foot.

However, he was eager to show and share out all the complimentary Disney plunder he'd collected from his room.

He said that although there were shops every flipping where they were sooooooo expensive, but we'd already told him to use his spending money on himself and to make sure Little Miss Iris and Young Master Bertie were not left wanting of a Disney type nature.  However he did bring us back a Small World magnet for the fridge and a small tin of Chip n Dale sweets each, which was more than enough, bless him.

But, he'd saved all but one of his "turn down service" chocolate coins that were left on the side, in his room every evening with a very cute story card.  

We've already decided that this idea will start a new sleepover tradition Chez Towers, with chocolate coins put on the pillow of our little guests, sometimes even of a seasonal nature at Halloween, Christmas etc.

He'd also managed to collect a small pile of Disney drink coasters for Bertie to use in his bar, another sleepover tradition.

Darrell said he quite fancied the sustainable wooden toothbrush and posh toothpaste ........

...... while I really liked the wooden razor and shaving cream, so there was only  good humoured "fighting" over all these wonderous goodies, with Nigel keeping the sustainable wooden comb for himself!

As for the shampoo, conditioner, shower gel and soap (with another set put aside for Alice when she pops over), they will take pride of place in our bathroom for decoration to start with, before, I'm sure, being used once the novelty has worn off.

Then, last but not least there were two "vanity sets", again one for Alice. Disney has certainly thought of absolutely everything for its guests comfort, down to cotton pads, cotton buds, nail files and le bonnet de douche!

And there was more ....... this time from Nigel's two nights staying at the Aparthotel before and after Disney and this was with Darrell in mind ........

..... a kitchen care kit, containing a sponge, bin bag, a sachet of washing up liquid and a couple of disposable dish cloths, perfect, Nigel thought, for at least one of our caravan holidays this year.  What is he like?  But I have to say, Darrell was rather chuffed with it!  

It's so lovely to have the little fella back, even if, at the moment, he's sleeping most of the time.


Mr.D said...

An excellent assortment of goodies!

"...with Nigel keeping the sustainable wooden comb for himself!"

The comb is sustainable, unlike my hair. :) I have no need of a comb, sustainable, or otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Wow-what a lot of goodies Nigel managed to fit in his suitcase. He’s very thoughtful.


Anonymous said...

Nigel certainly brought home a treasure trove of delights AND a bucket load and them some of happy memories. JantheFan x
p.s. thank you so much for taking the time and trouble of letting us join you on the ride of your life, it's been great fun.