Wednesday 31 July 2024

Spooky Ice Cream?

Well, it goes without saying that on seeing a board outside our European Supermarket of choice along the school run advertising, tantalisingly, that "supernatural" ice cream was sold within, Nigel's curiosity was seriously piqued.

He had sooooooooo many questions.  What size tub did it come in? What were the ingredients? Did it need any special storage requirements other than a freezer? Would it stay on the spoon long enough for you to get it to your mouth? Could you put it in a cone and what would happen if you put strawberry sauce (or chocolate for that matter) on it, accompanied by a flake or two and sprinkles? However, as it was a hot day and without Darrell's insulated food bag, it wouldn't have been a very sensible, considered purchase and so these questions had to remain unanswered. Needless to say that when he got home, Nigel told us all about his discovery and as Darrell and I were also now piqued, on the next school run he went fully armed to ensure any such purchase of ice cream wouldn't melt on the way home.

Unfortunately, when he got to the shop, full of tangible and palpable excitement, despite spending ages in the freezer section, leaving no stone unturned, he just couldn't find said ice cream anywhere and as the shop was really busy, there was no one to ask.  So, we still remain strangers to the delights of "supernatural" ice cream, but Darrell has promised that he will go up with Nigel next time and, hopefully, all will be revealed and then perhaps we might even be able do one of our world famous comestible reviews, so watch this space ..........  


Mr.D said...

"Could you put it in a cone and what would happen if you put strawberry sauce (or chocolate for that matter) on it, accompanied by a flake or two and sprinkles?"

Sprinkles? Surely you mean hundreds & thousands? Which reminds me of a silly joke:

Did you hear about the ice-cream man, he was found dead in his ice-cream van, covered in chocolate sauce and hundreds & thousands? The police said that he had topped himself.

The word "supernatural" comes from the Latin super- (above, beyond, or outside of) + natura (nature).

So the ice cream could be outside of nature. Hmm.

Anonymous said...

I’m certainly looking forward to the review on the “supernatural” ice cream.


Anonymous said...

Oh I have had to do a little internet search on Supernatural Ice Cream....interesting indeedy. Inquisitive young Nige never fails to deliver. JantheFan x