Thursday 22 August 2024

A Very Rare Disappointment .......

Following on from yesterday, the final port of call on our two intrepid London tourists  Thames "cruise"  was Battersea .......

....... primarily to visit the iconic Power Station. 

Let's just say .........

..... for the first time on their adventure, sadly, their expectations were dashed.  It erm ...... disappointed.

It was just a glorified shopping mall and entertainment complex for people from a completely different walk of life, with shops way too posh for their likes, with price tags to match.  There seemed to be little that reflected the stations past history (there was a pop up exhibition, but that was only about it's development since its closure). It all seemed very sterile, devoid of personality or atmosphere, that made them not want to make linger and explore more. Perhaps the Lift 109 might have ignited some interest, but as they'd already been up The Shard, to be honest it held no real thrall.  It was weird Nigel said, he wanted to see/smell the grime (????) press the buttons and hear the echo of tales, told of those that once worked there ....... not look at designer labels

He was quite taken by the windows of Venchi (an Italian Gormet Chocolatier, no us neither!) with its beautiful, glass ice cream cones (not unlike Christmas tree type decorations), but, they were not sufficiently tempted to enter its climes to try their gelato (posh ice cream) made each day in their "boutique lab"!  The Mr Whippy outside school on a school run day was ice cream enough for Nigel. And then, even Hugh, Darrell's best friend and mentor of things of a fine confectionary type nature, would blanch at the thought of a box/bag of pistachio chocolates at £76.50 a kilo.

The building was pretty much empty of people, what it needed, Nigel thought, was a good Primark, a Poundland and few good charity shops to help draw more people in, but then, he wasn't sufficiently engaged enough to even think about why questions hadn't been asked in Parliament yet!

So, it was a no ........

...... on this occassion from the judging panel, Battersea Power Station wouldn't be seeing them again anytime soon or getting any recommendations.


Mr.D said...

Oh, dear. Never mind.

I could do with a Mr. Whippy, just about NOW:

Anonymous said...

That's a pity. JantheFan x