Monday 5 August 2024

Yet More Questions To Be Asked In Parliament .........

I promise, although it may look like it, we don't actually spend all our time curtain twitching Chez Towers....... mainly because we have blinds instead ......

..... but, when you have two gentleman clambering over your fence and onto the bank ....

....... partaking in, what appeared to be, a very deep discussion and taking  pictures from all angles ......

....... it would be remiss not to ask what was occurring, lest it might be of a nefarious type nature!  However, it would appear they were doing a survey of the trees, after being called in by the company who manage said bank! It would seem that the tree right in front of us has a serious fungal infection around its bottom and will probably have to go, so whoopie doo, we get some of our view back! It's a bit of a shame for Carrie and Boris our two resident squirrels and their continual frolicking, but let's be honest, we are not that short on trees round here.  

Anyways, we put our own ten pennyworth in and they told us that it wouldn't hurt to contact the powers that be to raise our concerns too, especially about the sycamore (above) that is now uncomfortably inching closer and closer to our building.

So once they were gone, you've guessed it, Darrell was straight on his laptop, putting together a detailed report  ..........

....... including the erm .......what could be (not saying it is) a perfect, very private fisherman's "facility" created through management inaction, despite our reporting the state of the bank upteen times before, only to be told that nothing would be done because it was "habitat"!?????

Let's just say, if we don't get a satisfactory answer and conclusion .........

..... questions will to be asked in Parliament ......


Mr.D said...

Given the chance, you boys would certainly take up a lot of Parliament's time.

The word Parliament comes from the French, parlement, which is derived from the French parler "to speak." Here endeth today's lesson.

"It would seem that the tree right in front of us has a serious fungal infection around its bottom."

It sounds serious - I certainly wouldn't want an infection around my bottom. Or anywhere else, for that matter. Be it fungal or otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Oh I know some trees have to be felled for good reason, but I do hate to hear about it, let alone witness the trauma. I adore trees, I hug trees....they are so beautiful and so unappreciated. All those years they have stood proud and tall, keeping shelter, food and protection to many creatures and then suddenly they are very sad....

Anonymous said...

p.s..... I was so overcome with my last posting about trees being felled I forgot to add the missive was from JantheFan x (tree lover hugger)