Tuesday 20 August 2024

Nigel Checks His Mean Time

Another day of the little fella being a tourist in his own country today.........

........ this time embracing the pleasures of Greenwich ........ the market sadly wasn't that brilliant he said, but then, he's been to Bilston Market!!!!

However, the shops around it proved to be a little more inspiring ........

...... like the traditional Cheesemongers with its humungous truckles outside, that would have put old Darrell in a right tail spin of desire.

There was also a "Gentleman's Tailor" that Nigel made a note of, just in case he was ever invited to anywhere posh, though he appreciates his days of Buckingham Palace Garden Parties may be long since past.

Then, there was Goddards, a real life London Pie and Mash Shop ..........

...... perhaps the eels didn't exactly appeal, (no guinea pig pie either Mr. D), but a steak pie and mash with liquor or gravy and a cup of tea for just £6.40, he could easily have been tempted, followed by a cheeky shandy at the Greenwich Tavern even ....... 

......... if they had had the time, but he and Lu really were on a whistle stop trip, with so much other stuff to see .........

...... like the Cutty Sark .......

..... and the Maritime Museum and Park .........

..... before grabbing a quick all butter croissant from the Paul Rhodes Bakery .......

..... to nom on while gazing out across the river, just to the side of the Greenwich foot tunnel, which goes right under the river to the other side of the Thames ........

...... pondering the huge cruise liner that was parked just down the way (that, he said, he'd spotted from The Shard) ....... which sort of explained all the erm ..... mature, grey haired, gentlefolk and their myriad of huge suitcases he'd noticed getting out of various coaches and taxis and then being corralled into a building on the edge of the park ........ however, there wasn't that much time to wonder as they had a boat to catch themselves!  


Mr.D said...

I'm with Darrell, when it comes to cheese - extra-mature cheddar, for me, please. Thank you very much.

The pie shop sounds excellent, too. Steak and ale pie and chips, for me, please. Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely little tour and lots of London inspiration for my next possible visit to London. JantheFan x