Well, it won't take you many seconds to guess, from the picture below, what Lu's second birthday long felt want was .........
...... only a trip up the flipping Shard, London and for that matter, Western Europe's tallest building!
However, in the cool of the morning, she also wanted to make a more peaceful and reflective visit to St Dunstan in the East ........
..... the ruin of a church dating back nearly 1,000 years, damaged during the Great Fire of London and then bombed in the Second World War, but then happily, what was then left of it, was rescued in 1967 to become a tiny public park.
It is now a wonderful oasis, in the midst of so many tall, modern buildings and as such, the perfect spot for our two adventurers to enjoy a freshly baked breakfast croissant and coffee, each lost in their own thoughts ....... before "main event"!
..... it even managed to take Nigel's breath away, as it did Darrell, who had the vapours just looking at the pictures!
....... and was gradually able to move a little closer to the windows .....
Nigel even reckoned he could see Evesham in one direction, far in the distance .......
..... as well as, he thinks, picking out roughly the area where Hugh's (Darrell's best friend and mentor of all things of a capital city type nature) London pied a terre is situated.
It was hard for the little fella to find the words to sum it all up he said, but emotional, scary, romantic, awesome and high were well up there and perhaps even wobbly, as he was sure he could occassionally feel it gently sway (but decided not to mention this to Lu).
Then, after about an hour up amongst the birds and occasional helicopter, Lu and Nigel decided it was time to move on ...........
I really like the final photo, with the clouds reflected in the Shard.
Oh my - if I am lucky to get another trip to London, St Dunstan is top of my 'to do' list! JantheFan x
That looks amazing - my friends son went over to Dubai, designed a diamond ring, got it made there, brought it back to UK and then proposed to his now wife at the top of the shard with champers on ice to celebrate. How very romantic. JantheFan x
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