Friday 6 September 2024

Bertie's Ice Cream

No holiday is a proper seaside holiday without a proper seaside ice cream .......

..... made all the more wonderful when you have an actual, real life Bertie's ice cream van to get one from .......

........ especially when you have a "real life" Bertie among your party.

It goes without saying that everyone wanted to have their picture taken with said van, not least the young master himself.

Nigel did wonder if he went up and asked for a Bertie Special for a genuine, bona fide Bertie whether he'd perhaps get one free, but then decided against it, as he didn't really want to embarrass either Bertie in the process.

Nevertheless, it was tubs and cones all round with all the trimmings; flakes, sauces and sprinkles curtesy of Nigel.

And how did it taste?  Smooth, rich and wonderfully creamy made all the more magical because of the name.  

Happy, happy days, with Nigel wishing that he'd thought to ask for a couple of empty tubs to take home to use as sweetie dishes for one or two of our sleepovers to re live our memories of the summer, especially in the dark nights ahead, oh well, hindsight is a wonderful thing at times like this.


Mr.D said...

Two excellent Berties. That ice cream looks great, too - one with a flake, for me please. Thank you, very much.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to have a brand of ice cream named after you, even better that it was so nice.
