Monday 16 September 2024

The Best Fun EVER ........ Who Would Have Thunk!

Who would have thunk that everyone's most favourite activity, by a huge country mile at Haven Village and coming at almost the end their break .........

...... was going round all the show caravans on their site!

There were squeals of excitement on entering each one ........

..... followed by erms and ums, oooo's and ahhhhhhs, thumbs up or thumbs down, as they evaluated each and every "desirable" holiday residence, that could be theirs from around £34,000, right up to £92,000!

Everyone deliberating and debating (though non heated) the must haves and the could do withouts, the size and positioning of the rooms and what optional extras they would have!

In the end, they all decided that the most expensive one wasn't really worth the money, although Alice quite liked the idea of a integrated dishwater and washing machine (for après beach purposes especially). However, if they were to win the lottery (if they actually did it), they had  whittled it down to two, both at around the same price, at the lower end of the market, IF they could have the lounge and kitchen area from one, joined onto the hall, bathroom and bedrooms of another!

It, Iris and Bertie unanimously declared, was the best thing they had done of all the activities, even betterer than the swimming, slime making, Iris's bungee trampoline, Alice's bingo, and the den building!  What on earth are they all like? 


Anonymous said...

Well that has surprised me! Sounds like you all had fun.


Mr.D said...

Now that is a surprise.

Maybe you could do something similar near chez Towers. There must be various sites selling caravans round your neck of the woods.

Anonymous said...

Oh that sounds like great fun, especially as I’m sending this from a caravan in Scotland right now! Don’t think this one cost over £9000 though.

Anonymous said...

That’s from JantheFan x of course.