Thursday 8 August 2024

As Far Away As Close Encounters Of A Third Kind As You Can Get!

On his way back from town Nigel says he stumbled across some very odd scribblings on the pavement .....

..... but bless him, I think his imagination rather ran (as per usual) a little wild with him.....

.... As I very much doubt that these actually were, as he suggested, the urgent messages from interplanetary visitors of ancient civilisations millions and millions of miles away in space ........

..... desperately trying to make contact us earthlings, pleading for safe haven, because their planet was in imminent danger of being destroyed by other hostile, intergalactic beings!

I told him that I thought he might look a little closer to home in order to decipher these not so mysterious signs and symbols, to wit, the children who lived in the flats nearby maybe?  What on earth (????) is he like sometimes?


Anonymous said...

Do Martians play hopscotch?

Mr.D said...

The comment page has changed and it didn't offer me a reCAPTCHA.

Also, you have to specify your name, and I didn't put Mr. D.


The Martian hopscotch comment was mine.....

Mr.D said...

Also, it didn't confirm that my comment had been saved for checking.....

What is going on?

Anonymous said...

Mr D - I think the 'interplanetary visitors' are trying to make contact with you!
You go Nige, nothing wrong with having a fertile, inquisitive nature of the very best kind. JantheFan x