Thursday 15 August 2024

Nigel, A Tourist In His Own Country

When you're offered a few days in London to help celebrate a tres significant birthday with Lulu, what's a young monkey to say, other than "Woo hoo, I'll pack my bag!"

....... it's been quite a while since any of us have been to London .......

......... since Hugh, Darrell's best friend and mentor of all things "all things", now spends most of his time away from the glitz and showbiz glamour, a La Chicken Coop, his beautiful cottage, in the very depths of the Worcestershire countryside.

So being back in our capital city once again .......

....... with all it's many wonderful pleasures. filled Nigel with renewed excitement.

First port of call was a very slow (as it was very, very hot) walk along the Thames ......

........ where the sight of St Pauls and London Bridge never fail to remind Nigel (or Darrell and I for that matter) of "Love Actually" our most favourite, romantic film to watch (every year, sometimes even twice) over the festive season .......

...... it was, he says, still as almost impossibly romantic as ever .......

...... especially when, at the end of the bridge he took a right turn into St Katherines Docks and was then witness to the fairy tale escorting of a bride (by her son?) to her wedding ......

..... it was, he says ....... emotional, and if he should ever marry, would certainly be a place of marital consideration for himself .......

....... or perhaps, just the proposal.

This was a place, until now, he'd been a total stranger to, with it's peaceful docks, bridges, quaint telephone boxes, cobbled paths ......

......... motor boats, yachts and barges, it felt more akin to somewhere near sea rather than slap right bang in the middle of London.  It was only seeing Tower Bridge behind him that reality kicked in!  It was a glorious oasis on such a hot day.

Then it was on to the opposite side of the river to Hay's On The River for a touch of lunch ......

...... which again was another haven of relative peace, calm and most importantly a variety of comestibles ...... 

...... where it would have been rude not to indulge in a falafel bowl, as well as take a welcome rest for his feet.

........ before finally finding the bus stop to take them to their hotel for a very quick chill ......

....... as they had a very wonderful night of promise ahead ........

........ but more of that tomorrow .......


Mr.D said...

London! Wonderful. I lived there for nine years.

Happy "special" birthday, Lulu. It must be 20 or 30. It can't possibly be any more.

"It would have been rude not to indulge in a falafel bowl."

This reminded me of Olaf Falafel's joke:

"My desire to spontaneously sing The Lion Sleeps Tonight is always just a whim away."

Anonymous said...

Oh I do love a trip to The Big Smoke - always something interesting to do and discover. JantheFan x