Thursday 29 August 2024

Offering Our Bodies Up To Science ......

We have received a letter of great import from the NHS ........

...... asking us to give up our bodies for "Our Future Health", the UK's biggest health research programme .......... in return for a £10 gift voucher for our time and effort in volunteering.

We are, of course, very honoured by such an invite, but on seeing that giving a sample of blood was a requisite, Darrell visibly turned a whiter shade of pale, he not being a great embracer of the (whisper) needle, especially when in a voluntary capacity! 

Let's just say, we are thinking about it for the moment ........ 

I may have to use all my well honed powers of persuasion to at least get him to practice rolling up his sleeve in a medical type fashion in order to prepare for such an event, should he wish to perhaps offer himself up ....... we shall see. 


Mr.D said...

This is very public spirited of you. Good luck with Darrell.

Do they accept monkey's blood? When I was a kid, we called the strawberry sauce from the ice cream van "monkey's blood."

Was this just a northern thing? Or did anyone else call it this?

Anonymous said...

What an amazing pair of altruistic monkeys you are - always thinking of others! JantheFan x
(& yes Mr D - I consumed a lot of monkeys blood in my childhood days but please don't tell Darrell or Monkey as I may be blocked out from their blog for life. )