Friday 30 August 2024

Too Early To Be On The Very Cusp .......

Oh my goodness, how on God's green earth did we get to the very cusp of September?  

Where has the year gone? 

September always seems bring on change, the schools go back after the holiday, nights start to draw in, it becomes a little cooler and wetter and the light seems to be less harsh, more mellow and more golden  ......... and special times are on the horizon (i.e. the Christmas ads start to appear on the tele!), but it's all still toooooooooo early. 

BUT, what I really, really, really am not prepared for is that the trees having started to moult already!!!  Noooooooooooooooooo.

Now, I don't hold much to superstitions of a naturist type nature, but, for me, this doesn't bode well.  Perhaps I should adopt a more positive attitude to this unsettling phenomena and embrace it   ..... they say that catching a leaf on the first day of autumn keeps colds and sickness at bay throughout the winter and then catching a dozen leaves will bring a month of good fortune for each one collected ......... we shall see?  But I still don't like it! 


Mr.D said...

Never mind. I prefer spring, myself.

In Mexico, we only have two seasons - rainy and dry. We are in the rainy season, until about October. If it rains, it is usually in the afternoon or evening, so I limit going out on my bike to the mornings.

Anonymous said...

Oh it's the dark nights ....I don't like them not one little bit. JantheFan x