Monday 26 August 2024

We Try Electric Blue Pepsi Max

To be honest, we don't often review "quaffables", of a liquid type nature, but when Darrell spotted the new Electric Blue Pepsi Max in Iceland (£1), well, it would look rude, if not a little remiss, not to imbibe in a cheeky sip or two.

On first impression it was certainly erm ....... blue.

And, from all the hype and blurb we could find, it's a limited edition, launched in May and only available for the next 12 months, sooooooo, we were already thinking ahead to Bertie's traditional and de rigueur Halloween, Christmas and New Year cocktail bars!

It's a sugar free, zesty citrus flavoured cola, marketed with the Gen Z shopper in mind (not sure if we exactly qualify, but who cares, we're pretty Neapolitan). However, on opening, we found "the nose" confusing as it didn't really give us any of the aforementioned "zest" or for that matter, citrus. It was rather weird and a little stale smelling (???), so not the best of starts.

However what it lacked in its odd bouquet was made up with it's effervescence, it certainly was bubbly!

As for the actual taste, well, it was OK, but nothing special. We think we could detect the slightest of slight hints of lemon, but it could hardly be described as tangy or anywhere near full bodied. Again it had a very curious edge to it, which I don't think any of us really liked, with no discernible coke flavour either.   It certainly didn't say "electric" to us, it was more of a damp squid squib!

And then......  Darrell noticed the blue ring it left on the table, our having forgotten to put out coasters in our eagerness to getting reviewing, let's just say it needed a sizeable measure of Darrell's "Pink Stuff" cleaner and a certain amount of elbow grease to remove it!  So, with that, Electric Blue Pepsi's fate was sealed..........

........ as being totally unsuitable for any sipping on the sofa, should an elbow be inadvertently knocked or when wearing a pale t-shirt or sweater and certainly not going anywhere near Bertie's Bar, as blue mayhem could ensue should any accidental spillage occur.

So after very little debate Electric Blue Pepsi Max was consigned to the reject bin with a sad and woeful 5W out of a possible 60W bulb on our World Famous Richter Score Of Noms. It promised us much but left us wanting a lot less!  What are we like?


Mr.D said...

Oh dear, never mind. It was worth a try.

Picasso had his "blue period," but your blue period was far shorter, even including getting rid of the stain.

Anonymous said...

Not seen that drink in the shops but thanks to your review, I’ll not be purchasing it. You’re all very kind sharing the results of your taste tests, maybe even brave for boldly trying certain foods.


Anonymous said...

Oh would it turn your stomach blue - thanks for trying it out for me - I'll give it a miss I think. JantheFan x