Tuesday 27 August 2024

Worcester Great Waddle 2024

Nigel decided to pop over to Worcester, not for any particular reason, just a mooch he said, adding that his trip to London had given him a huge dose of wanderlust and he thought he'd better make hay while the iron was hot because the end of the school holidays was fast approaching and then his attentions, once more, would be required for other things.

However, when he got to Worcester he couldn't help but notice the huge profusion of very jolly looking penguins everywhere ........

...... on every corner ......

....... outside shops ......

....... in front of buildings of great import to Worcester ........

...... and dotted all round the shopping centre. 

He then noticed lots of children (and adults) taking pictures, sticking stickers and ticking off lists.........

His interest piqued, he decided to investigate a little more .........

..... to find The Great Waddle Shop, filled with even more penguins of every description, in books, on cards, knitted, sewn, on coasters, flags and tea towels  as well as dangling on key rings.

There was also a poster and postcards featuring all of the penguins that were scattered around the town and a special penguin activity book for the children to mark down each penguin as they spotted it.

All organised by and to raise funds for St. Richard's Hospice.  It must have been quite an undertaking.       

Outside the shop, Nigel got a little excited when he saw a cordoned off area with people looking into it, he had hoped that there might be a couple of real life penguins in there, but instead it was more of an artistic installation, with a film of penguins seeming to swim through it. 

In all Nigel thinks there were 35 said penguins, all sponsored and decorated by schools, shops ..........

...... local businesses, playgroups, youth groups etc.

He then thought what a brilliant thing to have in Evesham (after all we have a St Richard's Hospice Shop of our own, much frequented by us all), but what animal to have? That was the question he pondered as he treated himself to a small snack (cheese on toast with two sausages, bacon and an egg, with a garnish of salad)  from Elgars https://www.elgars.co.uk/ before catching the train back home. 

In the end he decided that monkeys would be the perfect choice, and we, from our extensive wardrobe could/would be very willing models to help things along!  What is he like?


Mr.D said...

A great idea, for children (and monkeys) of all ages.

"In all Nigel thinks there were 35 said penguins." The website says there are forty - an excuse for a return visit?

Elgars (Elgar's?) looks great. The composer, Edward Elgar, was born near Worcester, and lived there for many years.

Anonymous said...

Nigel certainly has got the travel bug & an enthusiastic imagination.


Anonymous said...

Oh I l love those trails, I've been to a snowman trail and a snowdog trail and an oo'r wullie trail, great fun....but I've NEVER been to a penguin one - I'm very jealous! Nor have I had cheese on toast with two sausages, bacon and an egg with a garnish of salad. My mouth is watering! JantheFan x

Anonymous said...

p.s. Elgars looks a very nice place to eat too, just had a nosey on their website. JantheFan x