Wednesday 11 September 2024

Another Holiday Tradition ....... The Arcade and Grabbing Balls!

Another family tradition for Alice to embrace, to wit the obligatory trip to the arcade on Burnham's rather short pier .........

..... where Nigel always says that the loudest and most successful "fall" he ever gets in any arcade, is when he puts his pound coins in the 2p change machine and he isn't wrong there!

But, who would have guessed that the ever fragrant Alice .......

...... would be such a demon on the Penny Falls, although she had to admit that the "Claw Cranes" had sadly, no matter how hard she tried, eluded her. It would have taken an awful lot of money for her to perfect the art in order to win a much coveted, plush seagull as a souvenir of her holiday, however Nigel promised that he would have a look in the shops to see if he could find one for her, bless him.

Another tradition, and the machine Bertie begs to go on most is Ball Madness .......

...... otherwise known, chez famille, as The Ball Dropper ...........

....... everyone begged Alice to join them, the more the merrier and all the more hands to grab the balls and convert the number erm ..... handled into tickets and thus prizes. Though sorely tempted, Alice explained that she was wearing a skirt and didn't want to hinder them in their quest, especially as she was also a total stranger to grabbing balls of any description and didn't want to let anyone down with her lack of expertise, another day perhaps?


Mr.D said...

Well done, on the Penny Falls, Alice. That was always my favourite.

Never mind with the Ball Dropper. Next time, eh?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like everyone had fun, hopefully Southport pier will be restored in time for your visit??
