Friday 20 September 2024

Darrell's New Loo Go To .......

As you know, Darrell is very particular when it comes to all household chores and it also has to be said that he really does love and appreciate a good cleaning product to help lift the load and make any task that bit easier  .......

...... and so, with the gradual change of the seasons, he's been casting a careful eye over The Towers sanitary fittings, in particular the loos. 

Now as a household of three erm...... gentlemen, we have to admit that at times our aim isn't what it could/should be, if you know what I mean and with the ever fragrant Alice spending so much time in our company, we certainly don't want to be found wanting in certain departments ..........

...... so Darrell, with this very much in mind, decided to make a considered purchase and ordered a pack of Calsolve from ebay!  Let's just say he was more than thrilled by it's performance. "OMG, this stuff" he informed us after it's first usage " ......could strip the paint from a rusty battle ship from 100 yards!" and that was only with the smallest of doses!

Soooooooo, one very happy bunny, keeping our reputation of a hygienic type nature in tact and the lovely Alice none the wiser!!  What are we like?


Anonymous said...

Well done Boyz on keeping the loo spic and span. Ladies do appreciate that sort of thing. JantheFanx

Mr.D said...

Oh, no! My comment is lost and floating around the aether! Let's hope it arrives soon.