Monday 2 September 2024

Ho Ho Ho, Oh No, No, No!

What did I say the other day about being on the very cusp of September and my observations and reservation thereof, in as much as it being something of a crossover point in the year, where we move on to other things as the seasons change.

Well, it hasn't taken long for my point to be proved ........

........ because when Nigel nipped into town this morning, low and behold, it would appear that the run up to Christmas, unbelievably, has already begun ...... 

...... well, in the Sue Ryder shop at least!

All it needed was a bit of Bing warbling in the background to get the little fella feeling all warm and fuzzy, but then, even Nigel had to agree, that really would have been one yuletide step too far.

There were a few present suggestions in the main window, but thank goodness there wasn't a full blown Christmas tree with presents scattered around the bottom,  as that might have tipped the little fella over the edge.  

But then, in the smaller window on the other side ........... good grief, it was only flipping Halloween! Goodness only knows when they'll start Easter!  A whole can of festive and celebratory worms has been opened ...... questions may have to be asked in Parliament!


Mr.D said...

This is rather early.

You must have a huge number of questions, ready to be asked in Parliament. Have you thought of a way to get them asked? Would your local MP be willing to help?

Cheating, and certainly not in the spirit of it, but maybe Nigel could take a list of questions and take a tour of the parliament buildings, when it isn't in session, and just ask them himself, as he walks round. Or maybe not.

Anonymous said...

Oh my giddy Aunt - Halloween & Christmas????? Not that I can say anything as I have already started prep for both festivals !!! JantheFan x