Friday 13 September 2024

Our Resident Daredevil

It seems that Little Miss Iris begged and begged Uncle Nigel and Auntie Alice to let her have just one go on the Bungee Trampoline pleeeeeeeeeeeease .......

....... so when they could take the unfettered beseeching any longer, they relented, after first phoning home to check if it was alright.

Nigel would have loved to have gone on to, but was told, sadly, that he was too small for any of the harnesses, with which Alice gave a huge sigh of relief as she had visions of Nigel being catapulted goodness only knows where and never seeing him again!

Anyway, despite their initial reservations Iris embraced the experience for all she was worth .........

...... leaving Alice feeling a little green around the gills ........

and Nigel very green with envy, especially as Iris loved it so much she asked if she could have another go the following day, what is she like, if not our own little daredevil!


Mr.D said...

Great job, Miss Iris!

Years ago, I went to where Michael Palin had seen bungee jumpers - on the River Zambezi, by Victoria Falls, on the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia.

My plan was to have a look, to see if I was brave enough to do it. I watched a few people do it. I certainly wasn't going to do it myself....

Anonymous said...

Well done young Iris. The most exciting thing I ever tried was the Witches Hat in the playground. JantheFan x