Monday 23 September 2024

Pets Of A Non Edible Nature Mr D .......

The sale of a few baby Guinea pigs in Evesham has come to Nigel's astute attention .......

 ...... not that he would be ever be allowed to keep one Chez Towers, what with its bijouxality and Darrell being a martyr to his various allergies of a fur type nature .......

..... but he was still very thankful that our much beloved and without fail, daily commenter Mr D is safely ensconced in far away Mexico ........

...... because the said Mr D, on his many world wide adventures has been known to look upon such cute, cuddly and squeaky creatures as a valuable source of protein, not that there would be that many to the pound and we would imagine quite bony ..........

There is even, we understand a mural in the cathedral in Cusco that depicts Jesus and his disciples eating guinea pig at the Last Supper ........

........ all of which, for poor Nigel, is just tooooooooooooooooooo awful to contemplate, even if Jesus did give us Christmas! So no, Mr D, before you even ask, the little fella won't be phoning to enquire whether they would consider posting abroad!  


Mr.D said...

You are correct - I have eaten guinea pig. In Peru, they call it "cuy." In Mexico, we don't eat them, but they are called "conejo de las Indias," which means rabbit of the Indias.

The first time I ate guinea pig was in Ecuador. The waiter apologised for the delay, because they had trouble catching it. It certainly was fresh.

Great research Monkey (and Mrs. G!)

In fact, I have been to Cusco twice, and have been in this very cathedral, and seen this actual painting. The cathedral is on the main square, the Plaza Mayor. If you go in the main entrance, and head to the front, it is on the right, if I remember correctly.

Cusco is the stopping-off point for the amazing Machu Picchu ruins. Within walking distance, there are Inca ruins called Saqsaywaman. It is (almost) pronounced sexy woman.

Anonymous said...

Oh guinea pigs make wonderful pets and certainly wouldn't be eaten in this for the Good Lord consuming them, he's just gone right down in my estimation, but not quite worth boycotting Christmas however. JantheFan x
p.s. Mr D - all very interesting stuff !