Monday 9 September 2024

Time And Tide Moves For No Man

Though Burnham on Sea has many pleasures, it seems that the sea itself has so far been evading Nigel, Alice, Iris and Bertie ........

 ....... "The tide", to totally miss quote Blonde "is certainly not high, but they're holding on"!

In fact, it's so far out that they can't even see it on the distant horizon, not even a faint line of blue/grey, it's just miles and miles of mud. 

However, it hasn't dimmed any of the little ones enjoyment of the beach ......

....... castles have been duly made and holes dug  .........

...... leaving Alice and Nigel safe in the knowledge .........

...... that Uncle Nigel won't be called upon to trek miles down the beach and then back again in order to fetch a bucket of water that will instantly disappear as soon as they try to fill their moats.  Nigel, despite the said sad absence of sea, is I believe feeling quite blessed! What is he like?


Mr.D said...

Never mind, I'm sure you all had a wonderful time.

So - you are at the beach, but a fair way from the seaside?

Have you shoved any ha'pennies, yet?

Seaside Karen said...

I’m glad you still enjoyed it, it’s just the same here in sunny St Anne’s. We get a proper high tide about once a month and it makes it all the more exciting for waiting!