Tuesday, 24 December 2024

It's Finally, Finally, Finally Christmas Eve

It's finally, finally, finally here, it's Christmas Eve, the excitement thronging through The Towers as you read this is both palpably tangible and tangibly palpable.

Our stockings are hung, a very ample turkey is thawing away in the bath, Andy Williams warbling in the background and we have chestnuts on the cusp of a good roasting .......

....... so all that's left to do now is to take ourselves, along with Alice, down to the steps by the river, to hang a few Christmas decorations in the branches .........

...... and leave a lantern (lit with a battery operated tealight of course, to avert any unfortunate, health and safety, festive bush fire incidents, as well as the complaints from those who shall remain anonymous) to remember all those loved ones who are no longer able to share this special time with us.  They always truly in our hearts.

Then after sharing a few memories of Christmas's past with Alice, mostly back at Castle Greysquirrel .........

....... we'll return to The Towers, each lost in our own thoughts, to partake in a simple Christmas Eve repast of crumpets and/or toast, mince pies, Stollen and a festive Baileys .........

....... before settling down to watch Stickman, followed by Love Actually (our most favourite Christmas film) and the grand opening of our celebratory box of yuletide Thornton's Continentals ........

....... snuggling up all cosy, warm and expectant, just like a scene from a Hallmark Christmas film ....... with more memories made.

And tomorrow it will finally be Christmas Day, our very first with our fragrant Alice ........ it will be ........ emotional, happy and very, very wonderful!

Sweet, sweet dreams to you all ............ and may all your Christmas wishes come true.


Mr.D said...

Wonderful! And remembering Andy, too.

"Love Actually" is one of our favourites, too. As it happens, it is Mrs. D picked it, for us to watch yesterday. (Our Sunday.)

I'd never heard of Stickman, but, when I searched, a lot of films came up. I assume it is the Martin Freeman one. Who's in "Love Actually," too.

We also watch "The Snowman," "Miracle on 34th Street," the 1951 version of "A Christmas Carol" and "It's a Wonderful Life."

P.S. Last year, we also watched "Love is All," a Dutch film from 2007, which is very like "Love Actually."

Mr.D said...

P.S. And we also watch "Elf."

Anonymous said...

Love everyone’s Christmas outfit. I too have been thinking of those no longer with us & trying to remain positive. I have put on a pair of festive socks as no Christmas outfits allowed in my little corner of the NHS.


Anonymous said...

Oh boyz, I feel very wistful reading your post - yet with much joy, which you bring in abundance via your blog. Have the most wonderful time - and to anyone else reading this message, all the very best to you too. JantheFan x