Tuesday, 31 December 2024

New Years Eve 2024

Well, you find us safely, ensconced back at home, but leaving Christchurch and the coast behind was emotional, sweet sorrow .......

..... on the very cusp of 2025 and to be honest, you find us at a very different end and start to a year from our usual celebrations .........

...... because for the very first time, there's going to be no annual, traditional sleepover with our beloved niece and nephew. We've been sooooooo very lucky to have had them all to ourselves, on this special day/night, for so many wonderful years, but it really was inevitable that one year they would be extended another sort of festive invitation ....... 

...... and after we all got to be by the sea this Christmas with the ever fragrant Alice, we can only be thrilled that they will be spending their own New Year in Salcombe, Devon, in a house with spectacular views, within a few feet of the beach.

Just how romantic will it be for them to go on a different sort of midnight walk, to the watch, oooohing and ahhhing, as a milliard of fireworks burst forth on the stroke of twelve, to reflect in the sea, with the waves gently lapping their little wellies, as they sip hot chocolate made in a flask, seeing in a new year of wonderful and as of yet unknown adventure.  We'll miss they desperately, but we've sent them off with a mahoooosive bundle of sparklers, to add to the magic and excitement and hopefully a thought or two for us.

As for us ...... Alice will be coming round to share in one of Darrell's unbelievable smorgasbords of comestible delights, followed by our own midnight walk to watch the fireworks from "our" park, and sing auld lang syne at the top of our voices, as we look up in awe at them.  Then we'll come back to The Towers for a cheeky cocktail or two to 
reminisce about the year when Alice came into our lives, look back at all our photos and ponder what wonderous joys 2025 will bring ........


Mr.D said...

At least, both you and Miss Iris and Master Bertie will have a wonderful time.

Mrs. D and I return from the beach on 31st.

Anonymous said...

A very happy new year to you all. You’ve educated & entertained all throughout 2024 so fingers crossed we’ll have more of the same next year.


Anonymous said...

Oh - things change and we mourn those changes, yet for Iris and Bertie it will be a new experience and who know what next New Year will bring - they could be back to their 'normal' New Year routine - or as you have enjoyed a seaside Christmas this year - like you, it may become a tradition for their family. Whatever 2025 holds for us let's try to make it a good one for ourselves, no matter what fate has in store for us. Happy 2025 to you all. JantheFan x