Sunday, 22 December 2024

Questionable Planting?

There was a frisson of activity in our communal garden last week as I drew up the blind, to wit a burst of unseasonal leaf blowing, followed by some sort of digging activity ......

..... needless to say my interest was piqued  .....

...... so I felt compelled to open our festively adorned window (courtesy of Darrell), to ask the two gentlemen involved what was occurring, just in case questions need to be asked in Parliament at a juncture in time, because, let's be honest, they could have easily been exhuming and reclaiming some nefariously buried goods, for all I knew!

On inquiring, it would seem that it was nothing of a sinister type nature, they were simply planting a cluster of daffodils bulbs for our spring time delectation, which was really very thoughtful.

However, not that I know anything about the plantage of such bulbs, but surely this sort of thing should have been done sometime between September and November, in order to give the roots a chance to develop? December, with snow on the ground, seems a little late?  Perhaps questions might need to be asked in Parliament after all, especially if they fail to flourish at the appropriate time!  I have noted the date in my new 2025 diary just in case.  What am I like?


Mr.D said...

I don't have the foggiest. You know far more than I do.

Anonymous said...

I believe you can bulbs even in January - I think - so hold steady all may be well. I adore spring bulbs. I look forward to photos! Btw - you are rocking that Christmas outfit Monkey! JantheFan x