Monday, 23 December 2024

It's That Time ...... The Time To Write The Most Important Letter of The Year

We never thought this evening would ever come, to gather round the festive table with Alice, for the very first time, to write our joint letter to Santa.  A few years ago we decided to ask Santa to pick us surprise present that we could all share and well, it goes without saying, that the ever fragrant Alice was only too happy to join in.  

We never know what Santa will come up with, an adventure, something comestible, something to quaff or something useful or to adorn The Towers, but it has to be said that  "The Old Man Himself" has NEVER got it wrong yet, he knows us soooooooooooooooooooooooooo, soooooooooooooooooo well.

So, Alice took on the scribing for us this year, by way of introducing herself
and because she has, by far, the best handwriting of all of us, while Darrell, Nigel and I dictated.

When all was set in ink, said letter was caste to the wind from our communal garden, all fingers, thumbs and toes crossed that it would find safe passage to Santa. As we don't actually have a chimney to send it up, it's a way that hasn't failed us yet.

Then, we settled down to a mug of Darrell's monumental hot chocolate, complete with a wholesome dollop of squirty cream with sprinkles and marshmallows on top
plus the obligatory generous slug of Baileys .........

.......... while each dreaming as to what Santa might bring to make our hearts sing and our tummies go all wibbly wobbly .........

........... on the most glorious and wonderful morning of the year  ...........   


Mr.D said...

Excellent handwriting, Alice! Even better than Mum's? :)

As Andy Williams sang:

"It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year."

Anonymous said...

It’s a good thing that you wrote your letter to Santa before the alcoholic hot chocolate as goodness knows what Alice might have been writing.
Guess who forgot you were posting over the weekend-have just caught up now & im sure the bulbs should be fine.
