Saturday, 28 December 2024

We're Here .........

OMG, we're really, really at the sea at Christmas, in real life........

A long, felt, festive want for all of us ........

..... and thanks to our beloved, dear old Santa we're all here, together, one and all!

It goes without saying that yes ......... it was all very emotional, tears were shed, this  was heaven on earth.

Holey stones were picked up almost as soon as our excited feet hit the sand, a true sign that "someone" or "some persons" were, as always, watching over us.

There were people swimming, but Nigel wisely held back, claiming that on such a momentous and special occassion .......

........ it would be rude to peak quite so soon!  

There would be plenty of time later, he was sure.

As for our ever fragrant Alice ........

I don't think any of us have ever seen her more glowing or as happy as today, with so many wishes coming true all at once ......... and it don't get any betterer than that! Santa "dun gud, VERY, VERY gud"! 


Mr.D said...

How wonderful! Alice, holey stones, plus Andy looking down on you from above. Santa dunn verry, verry gud!

Mrs. D and I are at the beach, too, but in warmer climes. Yesterday, I was swimming with the fishes. (But not in the meaning of gangster parlance.) Yesterday, we were in Cozumel, and today, we are in Playa del Carmen.

P.S. You put the Christmas tree on a groin (plural groynes,) which are designed to limit erosion and drifting. Here endeth today's lesson.

Anonymous said...

Well done Santa-the sea looks bracing! Nigel is wise to wait i think.


Seaside Karen said...

Oh how fabulous! We had Christmas in Wales where it rained the whole time, I have never been so glad to get home to my beloved St Anne’s…where it’s still raining, but at least I’m back by the sea again! Enjoy your time there as I know you will x

Anonymous said...

Oh it looks so amazing - I'm sure I can smell the sea air from here. JantheFan x