Friday, 27 December 2024

Thank You Seaside Karen

While we are otherwise occupied in travelling down to the sea of a Dorset type vicinity, courtesy of Santa, a HUGE, MAHOOOOSIVE "thank you" to Seaside Karen .........

...... whose present we kept back, under the tree, until Christmas evening, to make the anticipation and excitement of the most wonderful day of the year, l
ast just that  little bit longer

It was emotional .......... there were photos of her own Christmas tree, with little bits and pieces we'd sent her over the years and said present  ........

..... which revealed two exquisite coasters, featuring the stunning pier in Lytham St Anne's dans le winter time.

It's absolutely beautiful, one of the most beautiful piers we've ever, ever seen, if not in person, in actual real life ........ and we've seen and been on a few!

Let's just say it got Darrell Googling ......... we've now put it on our bucket list of places in the world to see!  Thank you soooooooo much Seaside Karen and look what you've gone and done!!!!


Mr.D said...

What a thoughtful gift, Seaside Karen!

Coasters depicting a charming place on, err, the coast.

Seaside Karen said...

I’m so glad you like them! They are from a painting by a very talented local artist, who I’ve been lucky enough to attend a few classes with. I have to say though that in real life the pier owners have been very neglectful. It did look that lovely when I was a child in the 60”s, though!

Anonymous said...

Oh that would be a real treat to visit - looks lovely! JantheFan x