Thursday, 19 December 2024

All That Glisters .......

Oh dear, Nigel was out Christmas shopping (again) yesterday...........

...... and, as such, sent me a couple of pictures of things he thought Darrell might like, heaven help us all!

I suggested that perhaps a nice cookery book, diary or an addition to his festive cocktail bar might be an easier option, as objets d'art can be a tricky one to call, especially with Darrell's ultra de rigueur and refined tastes.

Let's just say he hmmmm'ed, but hopefully he took in my less contentious recommendations. I also trust that Darrell will be equally as tactful should Nigel send him a similar text with regards to a potential gift for me!


Mr.D said...

Nigel is ever hopeful and positive in his thinking. Well done, young Monkey.

Anonymous said...

Very diplomatic suggestions and fingers crossed that no unsuitable gifts are purchased.


Anonymous said...

Oh my, oh my - what a collection there is too - those lamps!!!! ...and is that a Holy Jesus figure (top photo, top shelf to the left of young Nige's head) - maybe an angel ? - there is certainly the weird - and the wonderful in that bounty. JantheFan x