Wednesday 3 April 2024

Do Questions Need To Be Asked In Parliament!?

Poor Nigel's brain has been much pondering as to what it's called, when a body of water becomes significantly larger than a puddle, as has happened the under the bridge, at the top of our estate ....... 

......... could it possibly be classified as a pond or even a lake?  It's gotten so large that it's now overflowing, forming it's own romantic stream, that channels down the road leading to The Towers.  

Perhaps questions need to be asked in Parliament, as well as Darrell doing a quick double check of our building insurance, because said Towers already has a once in a hundred years risk of flooding at the back, from the river, but what if this once unconcerning, 
large puddle continues to gather momentum and starts to threaten the front as well.........????   Oh good grief, what on earth is he like? 


Mr.D said...

Attacked by water from both sides? Oh, no!

If the worst comes to the worst, you could always stay with old misery guts, upstairs.

Wait! No! Staying with 'im upstairs would be the best coming to the worst.

Anonymous said...

Better get a boat and oars on the Christmas list boy, just a thought. JantheFan x