Tuesday 2 April 2024

Suits You Sir .........

Darrell nipped into town for "nothing in particular" and an hour or so later returned with a small pile of "select" DVD's .........

..... he'd reasoned, we'd got a few sleepovers with our beloved niece and nephew coming up .........

....... and at just 5 for £1, it would have been rude not to have in a cheeky little mooch. 

However, he said that when it came to his final choice, he was a bit stuck, but then he spotted a box set of Suits, Season 5, (4 discs, 16 episodes), again for only 20p, when included in a bundle. 

Well, for Darrell, it was a bit of a no brainer, especially as we've still got quite a few long, dark nights ahead of us before the clocks finally go forward. It could, he said, be the perfect binge fodder, something we could all watch without having to concentrate too much if the phone rang or he got up to fetch snacks and/or put the kettle on. 

I'll be honest, I wasn't that convinced, but hey ho, it might be interesting to see what all the "hype" was about, especially when, how shall I put it, a certain someone starred in it before they joined and then left the Royal Family.

Two episodes in, if I were to review it in just one word, "wooden" would spring to mind.  I'm not hooked, but Darrell and Nigel are being more magnanimous, saying that we should give it until we've at least finished the first disc, before deciding whether to possibly re-donate it or see what it's worth at CEX. Perhaps something in the plot would grip us and then, who knows, we'll be out scouring the charity shops of Evesham or eBay for the entire collection!

Hmmmm, I'm not so sure, they seem to have a lot more faith in it than I do ...... I think I might prefer the Alvin and the Chipmunks Darrell also bought back (or perhaps they're really the same thing?????)  What am I like?  


Mr.D said...

A bargain, even with some wooden acting in "Suits."

P.S. Anyone remembers "The Woodentops" on children's television? Now that really was wooden acting.

Anonymous said...

At least a fortune was not lost if they are not to your liking Monkey! I have to say though I've never watched it myself.

And certainly Mr D. The Woodentops - top visual viewing when I was a little one, oh and Andy Pandy ... such simple pleasures. JantheFan x