Thursday 25 April 2024

Of Late ........ A Monthly Disappointment

As you know, each month I look forward to our free copy of The Vale magazine ........

...... however, I have to say, since the new year it's been rather disappointing, well, very disappointing, and this months issue has been really no different. 

When I saw the cover line  "Who's Got Rob's Goat?" I was initially hooked, I mean, who wouldn't be intrigued by an every day country tale of a missing, (potentially kidnapped) much loved, family goat? 

...... only to find that said title was very misleading, as it turned out to be an article on who were possibly the greatest sportsmen and women of all time and the goat reference was an acronym for GOAT - "greatest of all time"!  So, absolutely  nothing to do with gruffs, nannies, billies, kids, and not a single whiff of cheese or curry!  I feel I have been seriously hoodwinked in my reading and potential intellectual development ....... to wit, it really "got my goat"! 

And I'll be honest, much as I appreciate Darrell's culinary skills in regards to the feted, locally grown asparagus, more commonly known as "gras" in these them there parts, the illustrated article was interesting and more than enough, without the twenty verse (four line) poem to back it up - 

Some say that gras is good for us, 
The kidneys it will purge, 
Others say it's an aphrodisiac,
But it's never given me the urge!  

Oh well, perhaps, hopefully, things will pick up in The Vale as the year goes on!


Mr.D said...

A bad day at the office? Make that a bad week, or even, a bad month at the Cotswold & Vale magazine.

Fingers crossed, for the next issue.

Anonymous said...

Is this the equivalent of what is known on the internet as, clickbait? I don't know. Just is very complicated these days! JantheFan x