Wednesday 10 April 2024

It's Spring Cleaning Time Again ........

 And so, Darrell's annual deep and intensive spring clean has begun .........

....... as you find us today in a Towers full of weird and wonderful machines .......

...... noise (that'll be sure to please you know who!!!!)  .......

....... and warm, steamy air .........

......... while our beloved sofa and pouffe have a full, intensive and very robust cleaning, with, at one stage, the lovely gentleman looking more like ghostbusters with their spray/suction packs on their backs! 

I have to say you can see a huge difference, we'll admit to being mucky pups! It all looks very lovely and fresh, but I am gilding my lions, as Darrell informs me said gentlemen will be back presently, as he's booked them to do all our floors as well, as he says his knees are getting a little too creaky and stiff to get down and do them himself. He's also got them on a day when Nigel is out reading, as there would be absolutely no doing with him in a flat full of rotating scrubbers, polishers, fluffers and buffers!!! What are we like, if not very clean at the moment?


Mr.D said...

Good grief - spring cleaning time, already? That was never twelve months!

You can't beat some nicely gilded lions.

"A flat full of rotating scrubbers?" Ooh, err, missus - it sounds rather rude. Just as well Nigel won't be there.

Would Nigel be tempted to put on his hard hat and safety jerkin?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an intense spring clean to me!


Anonymous said...

Oh my - you'll have the cleanest place in all the Evesham, you'll be eating off the floorboards! JantheFan x