Monday 1 April 2024

Happy Easter

 It's Easter ......... well, Easter Monday to be exact .......

....... and you find us, this beautiful spring morning, well and truly egg bound of a dippy, fried, scrambled, poached, omeletted and coddled type nature .........

...... with Darrell not wishing to be found in any way wanting in the Easter eggs stakes, especially, as this year, we've had Alice over, as our guest, for the whole of the holiday weekend.

It also goes without saying that the Easter Bunny hopped by and dropped off an wonderful assortment of chocolatey delicacies for our comestible pleasure too, hence our aforementioned happy eggy boundness!

Naturally, Darrell spent most of yesterday morning in the kitchen cooking up an absolute storm with his traditional, absolutely fabulous, 
Easter Sunday roast ........

....... with me acting as his sous chef, prepping the veg, stirring the gravy and trusted with the occasional cheeky baste.  

Then, when they were able to move again after this glorious feast, Alice and Nigel volunteered to do the washing and drying up and putting everything away, working together like a crack, well oiled cleaning team ........ 

....... before it was time to get out the Simnel cake, cornflake chocolate nests and one or two mini carrot cake slices for our afternoon delectation, which we managed to work off with quite a lively Easter egg hunt in the garden with Kata's lovely little boy Krisztian.

It was the best Easter ever ....... and, perhaps, a step or two nearer to Alice feeling comfortable enough to move in with us permanently!  


Mr.D said...

Egg-cellent. Happy Easter to one and all! What a wonderful day you all had! Nigel must have been so egg-static with the egg-stravagent, egg-ceptional and eggs-stra
special day.

Unfortunately, they don't do chocolate Easter Bunnies or chocolate Easter Eggs in Mexico. They fill the actual shells of eggs with confetti or small toys, but nothing as egg-citing as what you get in the UK.

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter to all 4 of you. Sounds like today should be spent recovering after eating so much plus joining in the egg hunt.


Anonymous said...

What an egg-ziting time you all had and look so brilliant in your bunny ears! A good time had by all. JantheFan x

Mr.D said...

Oh, no! What has happened to my comment? Has someone stolen it?

Mr.D said...

Ah - it finally arrived. JtF - great minds think alike. :)