Wednesday 24 April 2024


Our beloved, fragrant Alice came round yesterday afternoon bursting with an infectious, full bodied, palpable and tangible excitement .........

...... she'd been out charity shop shopping in town ........ 

...... when she just happened across the perfect present in Sue Ryder for Iris and our next I & B sleepover, with it's traditional and obligatory jelly bean challenge game ........

....... for a price she simply couldn't refuse.

Then, well, it would have just looked plain rude not to pop to another shop where she knew they would have the jelly beans to match, making us totally prepared (well in advance) for when Iris and Bertie come over.

Alice is just so sweet and too wonderful for words, beautiful, funny, kind and thoughtful, we were truly blessed in a Hello Magazine type way, the day young Nigel locked eyes with her on that fateful day, a day that possibly changed all our lives for the better, forever! She is in my eyes jellybeantastic! 


Mr.D said...

Well done, Alice! Great find! It will be perfect for Miss Iris and Master Bertie.

Seaside Karen said...

What a perfect present! Well done Alice, I’m sure Iris will be counting the days to her next sleepover now!