Tuesday 14 May 2024

A Different Sort Of Wind!

How wonderfully romantic must it be to play music in a renowned Wind Quintet? 

However ........ I have to say that after one of Darrell's particularly "potent" 5 bean casseroles ........

....... Darrell, Nigel and I could almost lay claim to being a Wind Trio, though truly not of a Beethoven or Bach type nature!

However, I think Alice would almost certainly past on accepting an invitation to such an evening repas, she is much too fragrant to ever flatulate in company to make even the most impromptu of quartets! 

What are we like?


Mr.D said...

I certainly hope nobody suggests anything so untoward and unseemly, to Alice. She would naturally decline, but would have a little chuckle about it, too.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness you boyz.....exactly - what are you like???? However at least you have given some thought to the delicate Miss Alice.
JantheFan x