Saturday 11 May 2024

Our Eurovision Top 5 For Tonight .........

Soooooooooo, lets just say the semi finals left us a little nonplussed when a few of what we considered to be dead certs didn't make it through to the Grand Final tonight, to wit Denmark, Iceland and Belgium, which to be honest has knocked our confidence in choosing our top five ............. 

........ in no particular order ......

We LOVE Netherlands, Europapa but there was an
"incident" yesterday and we're told that the singer won't be rehearsing until further notice ......... so we're not sure if he'll actually be appearing now?????  It's a crazy song, perhaps too crazy to actually win, but we thought it would do well.

As for Spain ......... we'll let you judge ....... but we think it could win, but, is it perhaps too raunchy?

However, if we're talking raunch, then our very own Olly Alexander can certainly give Spain a very good run for their money, with a very ample proliferation of groin guards!!! 

Then there's Estonia ......... mad as a bag of frogs, with the longest ever title for a song in Eurovision history, but trust us and imagine Chez Towers as we all join in  the dance as soon as they get into their stride, with popcorn and Maltesers, no doubt, flying in every which way direction!!   

...... and finally Switzerland ...... we've had a lot of debate about this song, we're not entirely sure that we haven't been persuaded by all the hype, but with all the leaping about on an old satellite dish and the singers ruffled jacket and slippers  that Darrell has his beady eye on ......... we think he's going to be up there when the voting starts

......... it's all in the lap of the gods now!  Enjoy ..........


Mr.D said...

Hmmm. Of your five pop pickers' top picks, I like Spain's entry, as well. In Spanish, Zorra means vixen, but it is slang for whore or slut....Nawty, as JtF might say.

The show is called the Eurovision Song Contest, but the performances imply that it is also about the whole performance, and not just about which is the best the song. I'm not worried, and neither am I being picky, but Israel and Australia are nowhere near Europe. Let them in - the more the merrier, if you ask me.

Seaside Karen said...

I’m with you, I LOVED the Netherlands song and now he’s gone I’m sulking!!! On the plus side, the Northern lights were here last night when we’d gone to bed, dear me, but tonight I’m determined to stay up for the final then a midnight walk to the beach to see if we can see them for ourselves. I hardly dare dream but they are due, so long as the rain doesn’t get here first.

Anonymous said...

Well it's now the day after the night before - and boyz you nailed it with one of your choices. Well done....Switzerland just slayed it didn't they?
Shame about Netherlands though - I hadn't heard the entry until watching your link. It was a good choice. I'm not quite sure of the circumstances surrounding the ban, but heard a little bit about it.
I liked Olly's song but after watching Switzerland you can see why it didn't win in my opinion.
I thought this year some of the entries were quite theatrical - I think this may continue as a trend into the future. Terry Wogan would be turning in his grave, bless him, if he had seen some of the performances!!!.....and what Dana will be thinking I do not know, but I don't think it will be quite as sweet as her performance all those years ago.
JantheFan x